Thursday, January 12, 2012

Auction House Junkies Episode 23: Deep Thunder was My Stripper Name

Autcion House Junkies Episode 23: Deep Thunder is my Stripper Name  

What have you been doing?
Mike: AH humping thanks to being crit by RL. Debating either BS or Engi for my DK. (went BS)  
Cold: started lvl my ganker. Tweeting too much instead of playing. Studying transmog on both factions. Building outfit sets.  
Wes: Alt leveling! World of Warcraft Leveling Guides

Discussion Topic:
Most crafting professions have had specs at some point in time. Some went away and some stuck around. Why are they good and/or why did they go away? Would it be worth bringing any of them back?
Blacksmithing (Armor, Weapon [Macesmith, Axesmith, Swordsmith])  
Tailoring (Mooncloth, Shadoweave, Spellfire)
Leatherworking (Dragonscale, Elemental, Tribal)
Inscription (no spec; proposals?) M: “glyph, gear, frills” each spec has chance to proc additional X item during crafting, with possibly unique gear for “gear” spec
Enchanting (no spec; proposals?) M: “shard, dust” or “recipe” where you have increased chances to proc each type of DE mat; or have reduced mats for “recipe” spec
Jewelcrafting (no spec; proposals?) M: not quite sure; possibly “gem” and “item” specs?
Engineering (Goblin, Gnomish)
Alchemy (Flask, Potion, Xmute) Why are Engi and Alch the only profs with specs remaining? Mining, Herbalism, Skinning -- M: “scavenger, finder” one spec procs more ore/leather/herb; the other procs more ‘rare’ drops (hides, “lotus”, gems)  

Markets of the Week:  
Mike: Abyssal Bags Cold: Distgusting Oozeling Wes: Wing Guardian

1 comment:

Ebonvyne said...

This may be a little late, I just listened to the Episode 23.

Concerning the profession changes you guys discussed, it doesn't seem practical that Blizzard would re-introduce profession specs. I agree that they removed them to streamline the total profession structure, but now the have two new professions; complicating it further doesn't seem to be on their "to do" list. That said, it's still a neat discussion topic. =)

For Enchanting, you couldn't just proc a whole new enchant unless you put a long cooldown on the enchant, such that it would match the way transmute spec works currently. What they could do is give something like a chance to get some mats back from enchanting an item. But that's a principle that could easily apply to all crafting professions, which might make it a better candidate for a guild perk.

As long as we're talking hypothetical profession changes, wouldn't it be cool to see Engineering use older mats? If you discover a new fabric that is more durable and holds enchants better, then by all means, make all your new magic robes from that fabric. That principle makes sense for Tailoring. Pandaria's bound to have a new metal that is harder and holds an edge better than pyrite or obsidium, so let's make all our new weapons and armor from it, naturally. But Engineering seems like it should different.

Just because we find a new metal, does it mean it makes better Thorium Widgets? Mythril casings!? Felsteel stabilizers?! Engineering has tons and TONS of little gizmos, and it would be neat if you needed one for a new device every now and then. Just look at your car, there are a huge variety of metals and gadgets in there, not just one or two types of metal that you might find in a sword or breast plate. The same principle could be applied to Alchemy or Enchanting, but I think it's most suitable for Engineering, which is already kind of a black sheep among professions.
